Our impact
more happens together
For 47 years, Abbey Community Centre has provided a community hub where people of all ages and diverse backgrounds can come together and form support networks. Our projects, activities and services are designed to improve the lives of local people experiencing social isolation, mental and physical ill-health and financial deprivation. The costs of these projects are not covered by our core Council grant, so our staff team fundraises in order to keep them free or very low cost. Below is just some evidence of our impact, taken from our most recent annual centre-wide monitoring survey and other data capture. You can also read our annual impact report from April 2023-March 2024 and our 2024 Member Evaluation. To support this work, click here.

Our reach
- 1100 visits to the centre per week on average
- 712 active members of our Community Activities Programme
- 309 new members joined over the year
- 431 children and their families supported by the Children's Services team
- 120 active members of our Kilburn Good Neighbours befriending scheme
- 56 different activities provided over the year
- 1073 sessions of activities run over the year

Combating loneliness and social isolation
- 94% of CAP members said that Abbey's Community Activities Programme helps them connect to other local people
- 91% said they have made new friends
- 81% said that Abbey helps protect them from feeling lonely
- 94% said Abbey helps people from different backgrounds to mix and get on well together
- 41 befriending 'matches' - over 65s receiving regular home visits from volunteers
Improving physical & mental health outcomes
- 94% of CAP members agreed that Abbey helps make their life happier
- 81% of CAP members agreed that Abbey helps improve their confidence
- 90% agree that Abbey supports their general mental health and wellbeing
- 84% of CAP members agreed that Abbey helps improve their physical health
- 575 hours of free or low-cost exercise class provision last year
- 1610 free healthy meals served at cooking classes and community lunch

Unemployment, food poverty and financial deprivation
- 11500 hot drinks served per year at our 'Warm Welcome' space
- 824 food parcels made up and distributed to those most in need
- 92% members agreed that Abbey inspires them to learn new skills
- 245 attendances of Debt Advice appointments, ESOL & Camden Job Hub
- 25 regular activities are free to attend
- 204 volunteering enquiries received and followed up on over one year
- 100 volunteers supporting our Community Activities Programme